Old Building, New Lab
Zhi Space is a physical space which situates at the heart of one 1930’s plant in Xi’an Dahua cotton mill factory. It was renovated and completed by Zhijian Workshop in the autumn of 2016 , and now gets ready for acting as a new lab for many innovative ideas, performances and art events in Xi’an. It also works in parallel with Zhijian Workshop for inviting city makers coming from different fields to exchange and share more creative ideas for livable city making to more people.
Zhi空间 位于西安西安大华纱厂核心位置的一栋1930年代的工业建筑内,由Zhijian Workshop于2016年秋天完成了其内部的设计及改造。这一空间作为平行于Zhijian Workshop运行的艺术展览及事件空间,持续专注于在设计与艺术之间寻找和展现各种新的可能;同时也致力于成为一个与来自国内外各个不同领域的城市创新者及创意人展开充分合作和交流的平台。

E2, Xi'an Dahua Cotton Mill Facotory (Xi‘an Dahua 1935)
No.251,Taihua Nan Road , Xi'an, China

Team of Zhi Space
Founder: Wang Keyao, Zhang Rubing
Zhi空间发起人:王可尧, 张汝冰
Co-Founder: Zhang Hanmei, Zhou Litan
Zhi空间联合发起人: 章寒梅, 周立坦
Director of Network Exchange: Zhang Hanmei
Project manager: Li Xin
Photographer & Document: Li Xin, Bai Nan
Zhi空间影像纪录:李鑫 白南
Project Adviser: Chang Qing
Zhi空间项目顾问: 常青
Cooperative artist:Lu Xiao
Zhi空间合作艺术家: 鲁潇