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WALLS / 2020

▲ Phtoto & Digram by Li Xin 

This video-walk focuses on the theme of walls and hutong communities from the Forbidden City to Beijing’s Qianmen (前门) during the summer of 2020 when the corona epidemic has not yet ended. Through the video-walk, I hope to reflect on the impact of both the physical and spiritual “walls” that exist in the traditional urban community, the internal state of all related walking area and the relationship between the reconstructed Hutong community and nearby urban areas. All these might bring us some further thinking and reflection about the devolvement for the livable city.

Film by Li Xin

In the frame of CITYMAKERS China-Europe 2020 Virtual Walks Project & Zhijian Workshop’s long term project: Traces of the city

 © Li Xin, Zhijian Workshop 

© Zhijian Workshop

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